Kenneth Kitchen

Kenneth Anderson Kitchen (born 1932) is Personal and Brunner Professor Emeritus of Egyptology and Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, University of Liverpool, England. He is one of the leading experts on Biblical History and the Egyptian Third Intermediate Period, having written over 250 books and journal articles on these and other subjects since the mid-1950s. He has been described by The Times as "the very architect of Egyptian chronology".[1]


Third Intermediate Period

His book, The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt (1100–650 BC), is regarded by historians as the standard and most comprehensive treatment on this era. It noted a hitherto unknown period of coregency between Psusennes I with Amenemope and Osorkon III with Takelot III, and established that Shebitku of the 25th Dynasty was already king of Egypt by 702 BC, among other revelations.

Some of its points are now slightly dated. It stated that Takelot II succeeded Osorkon II at Tanis, whereas most Egyptologists today accept it was Shoshenq III.[2] Secondly, the book presented King Shoshenq II as the High Priest of Amun Shoshenq C, a son of Osorkon I who predeceased his father. However, this interpretation is weakened by the fact that no objects from Shoshenq II's intact burial at Tanis bears Osorkon I's name. Finally, contra Kitchen, most Egyptologists today such as Rolf Krauss, Aidan Dodson[3] and Jürgen von Beckerath[4] accept David Aston's argument[5] that the Crown Prince Osorkon B, Takelot II's son, assumed power as Osorkon III, a king of the 'Theban Twenty-Third Dynasty' in Upper Egypt.

Ramesside Period

Kenneth Kitchen is also regarded as one of the foremost scholars on the Ramesside Period of the New Kingdom;[6] he published a well-respected book on Ramesses II in 1982 titled Pharaoh Triumphant: The Life and Times of Ramesses II, King of Egypt. Kitchen is a scholar who advocates a high view of the Old Testament and its inherent historicity. See his most recent 2003 book: On the Reliability of the Old Testament which documents several clear or indirect allusions to King David's status as the founder of Ancient Israel based on passages in the Tel Dan ('House of David') and Mesha stelas as well as in Shoshenq I's Karnak list. The book counters the efforts of biblical minimalists who claim that the Bible is unhistorical.

Kitchen has strongly opposed the New Chronology views of David Rohl who posits that the Biblical Shishak who invaded Israel in 925 BC was actually Ramesses II rather than Shoshenq I and argues that the 21st and 22nd Dynasties of Egypt were contemporary with one another due to the absence of Dynasty 21 Apis Bull stele in the Serapeum. Kitchen observes that the word Shishak is closer philologically to Shoshenq I and that this Pharaoh records in his monuments at Thebes that he campaigned actively against Ancient Israel and Judah. Kitchen also notes that there are various contemporary non-Serapeum sources such as the Karnak Priestly Annals, the Nile Quay Texts, and various stelas which mention these Dynasty 21 and Dynasty 22 kings.

Biblical scholarship

Kitchen is often called an evangelical scholar for his research which provides archaeological support for the Old Testament.[7] In his books, such as On the Reliability of the Old Testament (2003), Kitchen argues that the historical evidence supports the reliability of biblical accounts. He is cited by conservative Christians for his work against the Documentary Hypothesis (which claims that the Pentateuch is a composite work dating from the 1st millennium BC).[8] Kitchen, while holding that the Pentateuch is largely a work of the 3rd and 2nd millennia, does make some allowance for post-Mosaic editing.[9] He also takes a late date of the exodus of Israel from Egypt during the time of Ramesses II in the 13th century BC, whereas most conservative evangelical Bible scholars date this event to the 15th century BC.

Significant Works by Kenneth A. Kitchen

Biblical Archaeological Review (BAR) and other articles:


  1. ^ The Times, 13 October 2002, How myth became history
  2. ^ (see Karl Jansen-Winkeln, "Historische Probleme Der 3. Zwischenzeit," JEA 81(1995) pp.129-49, Aidan Dodson in GM 137(1993), p.58 and G. Broekman, 'The Reign of Takeloth II, a Controversial Matter,' GM 205(2005), pp.21-35)
  3. ^ in GM 137
  4. ^ Chronologie des Pharaonischen Ägypten (1997)
  5. ^ in JEA 75, p.150
  6. ^ The Independent, 21 May 1995, Secrets of the home life of a pharaoh
  7. ^ James K. Hoffmeier, "The Evangelical Contribution to Understanding the (Early) History of Ancient Israel in Recent Scholarship", Bulletin for Biblical Research 7 (1997) 77-90
  8. ^ [1][2][3][4][5].
  9. ^ See K. A. Kitchen in He Swore an Oath [ed. R. Hess, et al.; Grand Rapids, Baker, 1994], 91

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